Staff Report - Revised Press Release

Los Angeles, CA – Eclectic pair Magenta Moon have released their latest single, “Move Me.” This ominous track blends disco symphonies with an alt-rock edge to tell the story of a post-pandemic culture that prefers to stand still rather than dance.  “Move Me” is now available to stream and download worldwide.

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“Move Me” features a unique futuristic intro that draws in the audience before exploding into edgy instrumentals. When asked about the meaning behind the single, the duo stated, “It’s inspired by the Carlos Santana quote, ‘If you don’t give yourself chills, no one else is going to get them either,’ ‘Move Me’ takes the stance that it is the job of entertainers to get people moving." Constantly pushing boundaries and exploring genre limits, Magenta Moon fuses a dramatic beat with reassuring lyrics to tell their story of movement. The eclectic track highlights Elaina Whitesell on vocals and bass, Joey Petrarca on vocals and guitar, Pat Mannella on drums, Broadway B on keyboard, and Chris Xue on violin. The single, mixed by Andrew Solis and mastered by Nick Townsend (Dr. Dre, Alice In Chains) leads listeners to let loose and embrace the music around them. 

Magenta Moon comprises Elaina Whitesell and Joseph Petrarca, whose journey spans the breadth of the United States. Originating from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Petrarca crossed paths with Whitesell, who was born in Champaign, Illinois, in Boston. There, they found love and also discovered a mutual passion for music, which led them to relocate to Los Angeles in September 2022. Drawing from their diverse backgrounds and experiences, they have sculpted a sound that is both immersive and enchanting.

Courtesy: Trend PR

Their earlier albums, Rapid When It Happens (2020) and I Brushed My Teeth; Let’s Make Love(2021), have received acclaim from sources such as Dope Cause We Said, The 110 Pod, and R+, who commended them for their innovative sonic landscape and compelling narratives. Their last single, “Perceive Yourself,” has amassed over 18K on Spotify and gained praise from Broadway World, Indie Midlands, and Where The Music Meets.

“Move Me” tells a relatable story about feeling the music and breathing it in. Magenta Moon has yet again produced an empowering and ethereal track that brings in a diverse audience who just wants to have a good time. You can stream “Move Me” now and make sure to keep up to date with Magenta Moon on Instagram and TikTok @MagentaMoonParty.

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